27 de fevereiro de 2008

Clicker Tips with Melissa Alexander

Esta é uma das quesões mais frequentes e também um erro vulgar:
Como é que se deixa de clicar?

Fading the Click
The clicker identifies the correct behavior. Once a behavior is fully shaped and strongly on cue -- thus the dog is able to"show" you that he knows what you want -- then you don't need the clicker anymore. In fact, to continue using it actually demotes the clicker from an "event marker" to a "treat marker."I don't do any fancy fading. I just replace the clicker with a release word -- a verbal marker -- which I use just like the clicker. I use food treats almost exclusively with the clicker,but I vary the types of rewards I use with the verbal marker.
Melissa Alexander
Thank You Melissa

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A few letters a day will keep my thesis on the way!

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