6 de novembro de 2007


Fantástica Resposta publicada numa lista de Discussão sobre desportos caninos:
Marcia : - "That's what I don't understand, Doug. Why can't we agree that we have each found a sport to do with our dogs that we enjoy? Why do some people need to play the "my sport is better than your sport" stupid game?"

Doug&Karen Coulter :- "Just look around you, that will answer your question. I was brought up in the early 50's-quite a different time-people were different and so were parents and children. I look around now and just want to throw up. I learned many,many years ago,when I lost my first obedience dog to not take these sports as a life and death thing...our precious dogs are withus for way to short of a time to be worrying about stupid stuff like what is happening with trashing ones chosen sport".
Esta é uma lição dura e que também eu aprendi.
A verdade é que desde então o Mr. James e o Mr. Miles me estão imensamente gratos!!!!

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A few letters a day will keep my thesis on the way!

Gosto de provérbios! Penso sempre que posso ter um por dia... o bem que me faria! aqui fica um site cheio de artigos fora da box e muito in...