30 de junho de 2010
Miriam Sondergard and Texas

Em 2005 estreou-se com Texas, Border Collie, no Camp do Mundo da Áustria.
Este ano foi sem dúvida umas das favoritas do público.
Miriam conseguiu o 5º lugar! Parabéns!
veja o video no link:
Dansk succes ved hundeshow i Herning TV/MIDT-VEST
11 de junho de 2010
Our favourite girls - Kjellaug Selsaas and Flis did 3rd place at the Norwegian Championship!
10 de junho de 2010
O apetite da Marmota
Os animais que hibernam, seis ou sete meses, não comem durante esse longo período o que lhes permite atravessar o Inverno como se ele não existisse. É caso das marmotas! A ausência de apetite está programada nas suas células impedindo-os de definhar até à morte. Um grupo de investigadores, coordenado pelo biólogo Greg Florant, universidade do Colorado, EUA, conseguiu induzir a fome nas marmotas obrigando-as a acordar e a comer. Esta investigação poderá abrir caminho a novas investigações sobre a obesidade e distúrbios alimentares nos seres humanos.
O estudo publicado no Journal of Experimental Biology, refere a molécula AICAR, um nutriente existente em todos os seres vivos, activou o circuito neurológico que comanda a ingestão de alimentos e desperta o apetite. A administração desta molécula AICAR levou à alteração da percepção neuronal sobre a energia disponível no organismo e os animais acordaram para comer.
"Descobrimos que, provavelmente, os nutrientes no cérebro, como os ácidos gordos, podem alterar o circuito neuronal que comanda a ingestão de alimento e que, na altura em que os animais estão a hibernar, se encontra inactivo", explicou Greg Florant, citado pela Science Daily.
Numa próxima experiência, os investigadores pretendem testar a hipótese contrária: se em estado de não hibernação podem ser induzidas (pela alteração da percepção neuronal) a não se alimentarem.
fonte: DN online
7 de junho de 2010

As gotículas que deixam a teia de aranha pegajosa têm uma força aderente 100 vezes superior ao que anteriormente se havia calculado! Segundo uma investigação conduzida na universidade americana de Akron, e publicada na Nature Communications, a substância composta de glicoproteínas comporta-se como um composto sólido com propriedades tanto viscosas como elásticas e com uma força muito grande. Esta substância actua de forma diferente conforme a força e a velocidade com que a presa tenta escapar. Se a presa tentar fugir lentamente a teia age como uma borracha muito resistente e que dá tempo para a aranha capturar a presa. Ao contrário, quanto mais intensa é a tentativa de libertação mais fortes se tornam as propriedades adesivas da teia, e deste modo a aranha captura/prende mesmo os animais mais rápidos e fugidios como os insectos voadores!
6 de junho de 2010
O meu "treinador" diz que já encontrei um lema para este campeonato :-)
aiiiiiiiiiiiii espeto-te um garfo!!!!
aiiiiiiiiiiiii espeto-te um garfo!!!!
4 de junho de 2010
World Obedience Championship Program
Thursday 24.06.2010
9.45 Opening ceremony by Jørgen Hindse
10.30 Training for the participants 6 min pr. dog
14.00 - 15.30 Judges' meeting
16.30 - 17.00 White dog will show exercises from heelwork to distant control
17.15 - 18 - 15 Team leaders' meeting in the hall
19.30 Dinner for participants and officials at the Scandic Regina Hotel, Herning
Friday 25.06.2010
8.00 Competition begins
Ring 1 Down in group Ring 2 Sit in group
Group 1 start no. 1 – 7 Group 1 start no. 1 – 7
Group 2 start no. 8 – 14 Group 2 start no. 8 – 14
Group 3 start no. 15 – 20 Group 2 start no. 15 – 20
Group 4 start no. 21 – 26 Group 4 start no. 21 – 26
Group 5 start no. 27 – 32 Group 5 start no. 27 – 32
Group 6 start no. 33 – 38 Group 5 start no. 27 – 32
Group 7 start no. 39 – 44 Group 7 start no. 39 – 44
Group 8 start no. 45 – 50 Group 8 start no. 45 – 50
9.40 Ring 1 competition begins with start. no. 1
9:47 Ring 2 competition begins with start. no. 1
Exercises in the two rings will take place in the following order Friday and Saturday:
Ring 1 Ring 2
Lying in a group for 4 minutes Sitting in a group for 2 minutes.
Heelwork Stand, sit and down under march
Recall with stand and down Jumping and metal retrieve
Send away with directions Scent and retrieve
Directed retrieve Distant control
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Competition continues
17.00 Official award ceremony in the competition ring
17.30 Final award ceremony for the top three competitors of the day in the main ring
Saturday 26.06.2010
8.00 Competition begins
Ring 1 Down in group Ring 2 Sit in group
Group 1 start no. 51 – 57 Group 1 start no. 51 – 57
Group 2 start no. 58 – 64 Group 2 start no. 58 – 64
Group 3 start no. 65 – 70 Group 3 start no. 65 – 70
Group 4 start no. 71 – 76 Group 4 start no. 73 – 76
Group 5 start no. 77 – 82 Group 5 start no. 77 – 82
Group 6 start no. 83 – 88 Group 6 start no. 83 – 88
Group 7 start no. 89 – 94 Group 7 start no. 88 – 94
Group 8 start no. 95 – 100 Group 8 start no. 95 – 100
9.40 Ring 1 competition begins with start. no. 51
9:47 Ring 2 competition begins with start no. 51.
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Competition continues
17.00 Official award ceremony in the competition ring
17.30 Final award ceremony for the top three competitors of the day in the main ring
Final competition Sunday 27.06.2010
The 20 dogs and handlers with the highest scores from the Friday and Saturday competitions
qualify for the final competition, which takes place Sunday. The order of the competitors for
the final competition will be determined through a drawing of numbers on Saturday evening.
The final competition will be judged by all four judges. The highest and the lowest scores of
the scores awarded by the four judges for each exercise will not be included in the final score
awarded for that exercise. The score awarded for each exercise will be calculated as the
average of the two included scores.
8.00 Competition begins
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Competition continues
14.30 Official award ceremony in the competition ring
15.30 Final award ceremony for the top three competitors and teams in the World
Championship in the main ring
In the final competition the exercises will be performed in the following order:
Lying in a group for 4 minutes with distractions
Sitting in a group for 2 minutes
Stand, sit and down under march
Recall with stand and down
Send away with directions, down and recall
Directed retrieve
Jumping a hurdle and retrieving a metal object
Scent and retrieve
Distant control
9.45 Opening ceremony by Jørgen Hindse
10.30 Training for the participants 6 min pr. dog
14.00 - 15.30 Judges' meeting
16.30 - 17.00 White dog will show exercises from heelwork to distant control
17.15 - 18 - 15 Team leaders' meeting in the hall
19.30 Dinner for participants and officials at the Scandic Regina Hotel, Herning
Friday 25.06.2010
8.00 Competition begins
Ring 1 Down in group Ring 2 Sit in group
Group 1 start no. 1 – 7 Group 1 start no. 1 – 7
Group 2 start no. 8 – 14 Group 2 start no. 8 – 14
Group 3 start no. 15 – 20 Group 2 start no. 15 – 20
Group 4 start no. 21 – 26 Group 4 start no. 21 – 26
Group 5 start no. 27 – 32 Group 5 start no. 27 – 32
Group 6 start no. 33 – 38 Group 5 start no. 27 – 32
Group 7 start no. 39 – 44 Group 7 start no. 39 – 44
Group 8 start no. 45 – 50 Group 8 start no. 45 – 50
9.40 Ring 1 competition begins with start. no. 1
9:47 Ring 2 competition begins with start. no. 1
Exercises in the two rings will take place in the following order Friday and Saturday:
Ring 1 Ring 2
Lying in a group for 4 minutes Sitting in a group for 2 minutes.
Heelwork Stand, sit and down under march
Recall with stand and down Jumping and metal retrieve
Send away with directions Scent and retrieve
Directed retrieve Distant control
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Competition continues
17.00 Official award ceremony in the competition ring
17.30 Final award ceremony for the top three competitors of the day in the main ring
Saturday 26.06.2010
8.00 Competition begins
Ring 1 Down in group Ring 2 Sit in group
Group 1 start no. 51 – 57 Group 1 start no. 51 – 57
Group 2 start no. 58 – 64 Group 2 start no. 58 – 64
Group 3 start no. 65 – 70 Group 3 start no. 65 – 70
Group 4 start no. 71 – 76 Group 4 start no. 73 – 76
Group 5 start no. 77 – 82 Group 5 start no. 77 – 82
Group 6 start no. 83 – 88 Group 6 start no. 83 – 88
Group 7 start no. 89 – 94 Group 7 start no. 88 – 94
Group 8 start no. 95 – 100 Group 8 start no. 95 – 100
9.40 Ring 1 competition begins with start. no. 51
9:47 Ring 2 competition begins with start no. 51.
12.30 Lunch
13.15 Competition continues
17.00 Official award ceremony in the competition ring
17.30 Final award ceremony for the top three competitors of the day in the main ring
Final competition Sunday 27.06.2010
The 20 dogs and handlers with the highest scores from the Friday and Saturday competitions
qualify for the final competition, which takes place Sunday. The order of the competitors for
the final competition will be determined through a drawing of numbers on Saturday evening.
The final competition will be judged by all four judges. The highest and the lowest scores of
the scores awarded by the four judges for each exercise will not be included in the final score
awarded for that exercise. The score awarded for each exercise will be calculated as the
average of the two included scores.
8.00 Competition begins
12.00 Lunch
13.00 Competition continues
14.30 Official award ceremony in the competition ring
15.30 Final award ceremony for the top three competitors and teams in the World
Championship in the main ring
In the final competition the exercises will be performed in the following order:
Lying in a group for 4 minutes with distractions
Sitting in a group for 2 minutes
Stand, sit and down under march
Recall with stand and down
Send away with directions, down and recall
Directed retrieve
Jumping a hurdle and retrieving a metal object
Scent and retrieve
Distant control
2 de junho de 2010
Nº Participantes Camp Mundo Obedience
Ratos e Vacina para o cancro da mama
Vincent Tuohy, do Cleveland Clinic Learner Research Institute , EUA é o responsável pela investigação e desenvolvimento de uma vacina que até a data impediu o desenvolvimento do cancro da mama, em ratos. Serão precisos vários anos até esta vacinar estar disponível ao público.O investigador explicou que a vacina age numa proteína presente na maioria dos tumores da mama. "Acreditamos que esta vacina será usada no futuro para prevenir o cancro da mama em mulheres adultas e se funcionar nos humanos da mesma forma como actuou nos ratos, vai ser monumental".Nesta investigação foram utilizados ratos com grande probabilidade genética de desenvolver cancro da mama. A metade foi administrada uma vacina com a-lactalbumina – que actuou contra o cancro. Os restantes foram vacinados com uma substância que não continha esta proteína. Verificou-se que, ao contrário de todos os outros, nenhum dos ratos.
Estudo publicado na Nature Medicine.
Lets hope you can do it!
Mensagens (Atom)
A few letters a day will keep my thesis on the way!
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