Lately theres been a lot of talk about how diet can improve life span in dogs with cancer. heres a link with a fantastic article about it:
28 de junho de 2011
19 de junho de 2011
Dogs Blood Chemistry
Blood Urea Nitrogen (BUN) – a by-product of protein degradation that eliminated by the kidneys; high levels can indicate dehydration or kidney disease.
Creatinine – a by-product that is eliminated by the kidneys; becomes elevated with dehydration, kidney disease, and urinary tract obstruction.
Total Protein – Albumin plus globulin; elevated with dehydration, infections, and cancer; low with liver, kidney, or intestinal disease proteins found in the blood and created by the liver; liver, kidney, and intestinal disease can cause low levels
Total Bilirubin – by-product of hemoglobin degradation and found within bile; elevations occur with destruction of red blood cells and bile duct/gall bladder disease and well as liver disease.
ALT and AST - livers enzyme that can become elevated if the liver is injured or diseased
Alkaline Phosphatase (ALKP) an enzyme found in bone, liver, and bile duct tissues; Cushing’s disease, liver disease, as well as other conditions could cause mild to significant elevations levels may be elevated with
pancreatic disease
Calcium – increased levels could occur with certain types of tumors and kidney disease
Phosphorus – may become elevated with kidney disease
Sodium (Na+), Potassium (K+), and Chloride (Cl -) – electrolyte levels could become abnormally low or high due to vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration, as well as other illnesses
Globulin – elevated with cancer and infections
Albumin (ALB) – one of the main proteins found in the blood and created by the liver; liver, kidney,
and intestinal disease can cause low levels
Amylase and Lipase – enzymes produced by the pancreas whose decrease with other illnesses as
well; further evaluation may be required to assess thyroid gland function using the Free T4 and TSH tests
Complete Blood Count (CBC):
Hematocrit – the percentage of red blood cells (RBCs) compared with fluid and other cells in the blood stream; low levels (anemia) may indicate blood loss, destruction of RBCs, or inadequate production
White Blood Cells (WBCs) – elevated with infection, inflammation, and cancer; white blood cells include lymphocytes, neutrophils, bands (immature neutrophils), monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils
Platelets – low levels indicate increased loss or failure to produce platelets; can cause bleeding problems if too low decrease with other illnesses as well; further evaluation may be required to assess thyroid gland function using the Free T4 and TSH tests
Thyroid Evaluation:
T4 (thyroxine) – produced by the thyroid gland; low levels may indicate hypothyroidism but may
17 de junho de 2011
world obedience championship 2011
the start list and the heel work is ready for Paris!
Portugal - we all enter on saturday
Eduarda pires and mr miles - start nº 65;
Pedro Araujo e Deena nº 78;
Fernando Silva e amy II nº 85; Pedro Araujo e Jen (Shoza) 94
11 de junho de 2011
Congress and Obedience Team to World Championship
Congresso Treino de Cães
The portuguese obedience team to enter World Obedience Championship 2011 in Paris is ready !
Team to Paris:
Eduarda Pires e Mr. Miles
Fernando Silva e Amy II
Pedro Arujo e Deena
pedro araújo e Sxhosa
Like in previous years we are gathering efforts to colletc some extra financial support. This year we organized a congress about dog training but also about many other aspects involving the sporting dog. WE,ve invited specialist to speak about themes as diferent as : the nutrition of the sporting dog; what is obedience; the importance of coachiong for athletes and many other. We hope people can join us in this congress and profit from this information ont sporting dogs issues!
here's the program:
Origem e Evolução do Cão - Dogs Evolution
09h Drº Joana Robalo. Docente ISPA
Dominância e Agressividade - Agressivity and dominance myths
09.30 Drº Gonçalo Pereira Docente Comportamento Animal Fac. Med. Vet. Universidade Lusófona
Como Escolher um Cachorro/Cão - How to choose a puppy
10.30 Pedro Araújo Selecção Obedience 2011
11.00 Coffe Break
Novas Filosofias do Treino do Cão - New philosophies on dog training
11.30 Fernando Silva Selecção Obedience 2011
Cães e Direitos - Dog in the Portuguese Law
12.h Drº Filipe Ferreira Advogado
12.30 - 13h Debate
O que é o Obedience? What is Obedience
14.30 Eduarda Pires Selecção Obedience 2011
Anatomia do Cão - Dogs Anatomy
15h Drº Rui Gonçalves Juíz Beleza Cpc
Fisiologia do Esforço e Lesões em Cães de Desporto - physiology and comomn sports injuries in dogs
15.30 Drº Nuno Paixão Director Hospital Veterinário Central
Alimentação do Cão de Desporto - Sporting dog nutrition
16.30 Eukanuba
Coffee Break
Competir para Ganhar-Coaching Desportivo - compete to win - Coaching
17.00 Drª Paula Madeira Psicóloga Universidade Autónoma
18.00 Entrega de Diplomas
Inscrições devem ser enviadas para:
Para mais informações: 91 321 87 14 - 919 352 470 - 919 038 198
Esperamos por SI!!!
The portuguese obedience team to enter World Obedience Championship 2011 in Paris is ready !
Team to Paris:
Eduarda Pires e Mr. Miles
Fernando Silva e Amy II
Pedro Arujo e Deena
pedro araújo e Sxhosa
Like in previous years we are gathering efforts to colletc some extra financial support. This year we organized a congress about dog training but also about many other aspects involving the sporting dog. WE,ve invited specialist to speak about themes as diferent as : the nutrition of the sporting dog; what is obedience; the importance of coachiong for athletes and many other. We hope people can join us in this congress and profit from this information ont sporting dogs issues!
here's the program:
Origem e Evolução do Cão - Dogs Evolution
09h Drº Joana Robalo. Docente ISPA
Dominância e Agressividade - Agressivity and dominance myths
09.30 Drº Gonçalo Pereira Docente Comportamento Animal Fac. Med. Vet. Universidade Lusófona
Como Escolher um Cachorro/Cão - How to choose a puppy
10.30 Pedro Araújo Selecção Obedience 2011
11.00 Coffe Break
Novas Filosofias do Treino do Cão - New philosophies on dog training
11.30 Fernando Silva Selecção Obedience 2011
Cães e Direitos - Dog in the Portuguese Law
12.h Drº Filipe Ferreira Advogado
12.30 - 13h Debate
O que é o Obedience? What is Obedience
14.30 Eduarda Pires Selecção Obedience 2011
Anatomia do Cão - Dogs Anatomy
15h Drº Rui Gonçalves Juíz Beleza Cpc
Fisiologia do Esforço e Lesões em Cães de Desporto - physiology and comomn sports injuries in dogs
15.30 Drº Nuno Paixão Director Hospital Veterinário Central
Alimentação do Cão de Desporto - Sporting dog nutrition
16.30 Eukanuba
Coffee Break
Competir para Ganhar-Coaching Desportivo - compete to win - Coaching
17.00 Drª Paula Madeira Psicóloga Universidade Autónoma
18.00 Entrega de Diplomas
Inscrições devem ser enviadas para:
Para mais informações: 91 321 87 14 - 919 352 470 - 919 038 198
Esperamos por SI!!!
Spanish Championship

We wish to thank the Spanish Kennel Club and the obedience delegate Mr. Pedro Marques for the invitation to again be at his side judging the " Spanish Copa" - Competition where the spanish obedience champion comes out.
Unfortunatly in Spain as in Portugal obedience is taking to long to have a significant number of participants. Never the less the competition took place inside the halls of the big beauty show (100 years celebration)and the Spanish Kennel Club did everything so that obedience competitors could be at their best.
The Spanish Obedience Champion is Gonzalo and Border Collie U-la. Congratulations.
Gonzalo is a close friend who often competes in Portugal and many times do we train together!
A Great pleasure and pride was to see Moss and Neo doing so well on class A.
Both this dogs are the offspring of my dog Mr. Miles and from diferent litters. they presented themselves in class A and gain 1st and 2nd place on podium.
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Class A: 1st place - Moss (mr. Miles X Lady Jolie de mafaldas) / 2nd Place - Neo (mr. Miles X Moss ) |
This were great days between friends ! Thank you to all and hope to see you next year.
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